After, as Nichols’ body is slumped against a vehicle, occasionally moaning in pain, the officers stand around and discuss the stop.
“You alright,” one officer asks his colleague.
“Yeah, I’m straight,” the man responds.
An officer complains his leg and knee are hurting. The officers claim Nichols is “high.”
The officers are heard laughing. They claim Nichols was reaching for one of their guns, which the videos do not appear to show.
“We got him out of the car, m———– swung,” an officer says, it’s unclear who he is referring to.
The officers claim Nichols would not pull over for a traffic stop and instead was “swerving” and nearly hit a police vehicle. Nichols then stopped at a red light, they claim.
Minutes later, Nichols is seen moaning and moving as if he is trying to stand.