Owl who escaped NYC zoo after vandalism becomes Central Park celebrity


An owl who escaped from the Central Park Zoo after someone ripped his enclosure open has earned celebrity status to lucky New York City gawkers who catch a glimpse of the soaring, majestic animal.

Zoo officials say the Eurasian eagle-owl named Flaco escaped on Feb. 2 after the exhibit was vandalized and the stainless steel mesh cut. Wednesday, a small crowd spotted Flaco in an oak tree surveying ice skaters at Wollman Rink in the park’s Hallett Nature Sanctuary. 

After escaping the zoo, Flaco flew to a shopping hub on Fifth Avenue, where police officers first attempted to catch him and failed.

Flaco returned “home” the next morning and has since been successful in dodging recapture efforts — soaring from tall trees at various locations in the southeast section of the park.

A crowd of people gather to look at a Eurasian eagle-owl named Flaco in Central Park in New York, Monday, Feb. 6, 2023. The owl, who resided at the Central Park Zoo, flew the coop after someone vandalized its exhibit by cutting through stainless steel mesh. Zoo officials say Flaco was discovered missing at 8:30 p.m. Thursday and remained on the loose Monday.

Officials are concerned that Flaco can’t hunt and will starve, zoo spokesperson Max Pulsinelli said in a news release the following day. No one has seen Flaco eat during his week on the run, the Associated Press reported

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