Original Dune Director David Lynch Gets Blunt About 2021 Remake


Original Dune director David Lynch gets blunt about the 2021 remake. Frank Herbert’s seminal sci-fi novel was first adapted to the screen by the entertainingly enigmatic director in 1984, which bombed at the box office and was panned by critics. Lynch, who did not have final cut on the film, disowned Dune and considers it a great failure. In 2021, visionary director Denis Villeneuve’s Dune was a resounding success with both critics and audiences alike, and the second part of his adaptation was quickly greenlit by Warner Bros.

However, the original Dune director is not among the fans of Villeneuve’s version. In a new interview with Cahiers du Cinéma (via Benjamin Cataliotti), Lynch revealed he refuses to watch or even hear anything about the 2021 remake. Read Lynch’s translated comment below:

I will never watch it, and I don’t even want you to tell me about it, ever.

Dune Remains A Sore Spot For David Lynch

In an otherwise immaculate filmography filled with surreal classics like Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, and Mulholland Dr. and prestige pictures like The Elephant Man and The Straight Story, Dune is the worst failure of Lynch’s career by the director’s own admission. Long story short, Lynch did not have complete creative control of Dune, which allowed Universal to make several changes to the film he did not approve of. For instance, Lynch’s preferred director’s cut ran for about three hours, which the studio whittled down to two for the theatrical version.

Related: Dune Proves That David Lynch’s Movie Got 1 Thing Exactly Right

Villeneuve’s version avoided these same issues by splitting the adaptation into two parts. The 2021 adaptation, which only covers the first half of the novel, is now considered the definitive version of Dune for its success in capturing the scope and ambition of Herbert’s unwieldy source material with thrilling visuals, sweeping the technical categories at the 2022 Academy Awards with wins for visual effects, production design, and cinematography. It’s a shame that Lynch won’t get to experience the awe-inspiring adaptation, as Dune remains a sore spot for the director to this day.

Source: Cahiers du Cinéma (via Benjamin Cataliotti/Twitter)

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