“Reunite The Dyad!” Star Wars Fans Want Adam Driver Back As Kylo Ren In New Jedi Order


Star Wars fans want to see Adam Driver return as Kylo Ren in the upcoming Rey-led New Jedi Order film. The sequel to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will see Daisy Ridley return as Rey in a Star Wars film set 15 years after the conclusion of the Skywalker saga. New Jedi Order will see Rey as a Jedi Master, rebuilding the Order following the permanent defeat of Emperor Palpatine.

Star Wars fans are taking to Twitter, expressing their hopes for New Jedi Order to include the return of Driver’s Kylo Ren. Many online want to see a reunion between the former First Order Supreme Leader and Rey, who shared a kiss prior to his death in The Rise of Skywalker. Check out what fans are saying below:


Can Kylo Ren Return In Star Wars: New Jedi Order?

Given how closely tied together Rey and Kylo Ren’s stories were in their shared trilogy of films, it wouldn’t make sense for him to go unmentioned in New Jedi Order. The final act of The Rise of Skywalker saw Ben Solo relinquish his status as the First Order’s Supreme Leader, no longer living under the name Kylo Ren. Ben ends up sacrificing himself to ensure Rey lives following Palpatine’s defeat, causing his body to fade away into the Force.

While not much is known about New Jedi Order‘s plot just yet, the film’s setting 15 years after the collapse of the Final Order means it’s unlikely Rey has reunited with Ben in that time. Ben’s sacrifice allowed Rey to live, meaning that, despite best hopes that he is somehow still alive somewhere in the galaxy, he most likely died in order for her to survive. If that ends up being the case, then there’s still a chance he can return as a Force ghost during the film.

Related: Star Wars: New Jedi Order – Cast, Story, Timeline, & Everything We Know

However, there’s still no concrete evidence that Ben’s body fading away means he’s gone for good. The Star Wars franchise is no stranger to bringing characters back from their supposed demises, most notably with Darth Maul and the Emperor. While Ben fading away is a little more concrete evidence of his death, there always remains the possibility of an infamous Star Wars retcon to bring back the popular character. Whether he is dead or alive, though, Rey’s strong connection to Ben in the sequel trilogy means there’s a fair chance he will find his way into New Jedi Order in some capacity.

Source: Twitter (see above links)


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