
The Amazing Spider-Man star Andrew Garfield is imagined as Into The Spider-Verse’s Peter B. Parker in fan art by a Marvel Comics artist CAFU.

The Amazing Spider-Man’s Andrew Garfield gets transformed into Peter B. Parker in Spider-Verse fan art ahead of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse – Part One debuting in theaters. The Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse animated sequel brings back the trio of leads from the original, consisting of Shameik Moore as Miles Morales/Spider-Man, Hawkeye’s Kate Bishop actress Hailee Steinfeld as Spider-Gwen and Jake Johnson as Peter B. Parker. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse – Part One will introduce a number of new Spider-Men, with Oscar Isaac’s Spider-Man 2099 butting heads with Miles in the sequel.


Marvel Comics artist CAFU shared on Twitter a new art piece that imagines Garfield as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’s Peter B. Parker. The art captures Garfield in signature Spider-Verse style, with Peter B. Parker’s casual clothes over Spider-Man costume look. While he won’t show up as Peter B. Parker in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse – Part One, Garfield could appear in one of the Spider-Verse’s sequel’s different universes. Check out the art below:

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Why Andrew Garfield Would Be Amazing As Live-Action Peter B. Parker

Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker in Spider-Man No Way Home wearing a lab coat over his suit

Garfield starred as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man duology, portraying a young Peter who oozed charisma and displayed a cooler style, skateboard included, than most iterations of the character. Whereas Garfield’s Peter might’ve faltered due to his difference from the comics, the actor’s performance under the Spider-Man mask was pitch perfect. Garfield managed to give life to Spider-Man’s snarky personality, with his quips being among the character’s best. Seven years after he’d last played the Marvel hero, Garfield returned as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the MCU’s Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Garfield’s Peter had matured a lot when audiences caught up with him in Spider-Man: No Way Home. The characters’ brash attitude while out of costume was swapped out for a more contained persona, albeit with his chraracteristic snarky sense of humor still intact. Garfield’s performance in the MCU movie proves why he’d be amazing as live-action Peter B. Parker. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse introduced audiences to Peter B. Parker, a weathered version of Spider-Man that had grown bored with superhero life after it took a toll on his body and relationship with Mary Jane Watson. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 saw the death of Emma Stone’s Gwen Stacy, which hurt Garfield’s Peter deeply, leaving him scarred until Spider-Man: No Way Home alleviated his pain. Garfield showed what an older sorrowful Spider-Man looks like, positioning him to be a great live-action Peter B. Parker. Plus, he’s now got Spider-Verse experience.

Can Andrew Garfield Appear In Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse?

Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man in No Way Home

While his live-action future’s currently unknown, Garfield’s Spider-Man could return in either one of the Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse movies for an animated adventure. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse – Part One is next in line for the actor’s possible return as the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. There are rumors circulating that all three live-action Spider-Men – Garfield, Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland – will appear in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse – Part One. In the past, Spider-Verse producers have talked about wanting to include the actors in the Spider-Verse franchise, but no official word’s come out about them showing up in the next animated movie. Garfield’s Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse – Part One return possibility should have audiences on the edge of their seats when the movie premieres in theaters.

Next: How Powerful Holland’s Spider-Man Is Compared To Maguire & Garfield

Source: CAFU/Twitter

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    Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse – Part One


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