
Screen Rant presents an exclusive clip from the Saban Films thriller Night Train, which stars Danielle C. Ryan and arrives in select theaters today.

Screen Rant is pleased to present an exclusive clip from Saban Films’ newest action thriller, Night Train. Currently playing in select theaters before arriving on digital and On Demand next week, the action-packed adventure was directed and produced by Shane Stanley from a screenplay by CJ Walley (who also served as producer). Night Train stars Danielle C. Ryan as a woman driven to extremes and features a strong supporting cast that includes Diora Baird, Joseph D. Reitman, Ivan Sergei, Brent Bailey, Kevin Joy, Paul Haapaniemi, Reggie Austin, Thomas Nelson, Joe Lando, and Abraham Benrubi.


Night Train follows Holly McCord (Ryan), a mother who is desperate enough to save the life of her young son that she will take on any job, whether it’s hustling strangers or hauling black market drugs with her souped-up truck. Despite having bounties on her head and federal agents like Jaylynne Jackson (Baird) in hot pursuit, Holly will stop at nothing to see her mission through and give her son the protection he needs and her employers get their contraband through without a problem.

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More About Night Train

Diora in Night Train

In Screen Rant‘s exclusive clip from Night Train, Holly is nervous about the feds being onto her trail and wondering if she needs to back off. She confesses her concern to Renzo (Haapaniemi), suggesting that she may need to take off for Mexico but doesn’t want to be done with the business altogether if it means that she can keep her son safe and healthy. Beyond simply having her back, Renzo is ready to go the extra mile and take her across the border in the hopes of avoiding detection. Despite the previous tension in their relationship, it’s obvious he would do anything for her, and he’s about to prove it as Night Train continues.

As shown in the trailer, Night Train is sure to be a showcase for Ryan, whose work has previously a variety of genres from the comedy of The Cat in the Hat and the dreamier romance of Austentatious to the bloodier action of projects like Double Threat. As Holly McCord, the actress will not only show off her fighting chops in thrilling action sequences but also tap into her more emotional side as a mother doing what it takes to save her son.

Aside from Night Train, Saban Films has an action-packed 2023 that will rival its previous year in quality entertainment. After releasing The Old Way, a Nicolas Cage-led Western, the next film on their roster is Kyle Kauwika’s story of a conman looking for a second chance, Out of Exile. January will wrap up with revenge film Condor’s Nest, starring Michael Ironside, before March brings the Bruce Willis movie Soul Assassin. Night Train, meanwhile, has a runtime of 95 minutes and is rated PG-13 for some drug material, suggestive material, and language.

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Night Train is now playing in select theaters and will be available on digital and On Demand on January 17.


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