
Marvel Cinematic Universe fans are outraged about Marvel Studios not releasing the first trailer for The Marvels during the 2023 Super Bowl.

Marvel Cinematic Universe fans are outraged about Marvel Studios not releasing a The Marvels trailer during the 2023 Super Bowl. Phase 5 is officially starting this month with the release of Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania. Outside of being a trilogy finale, the Ant-Man sequel will help push the Multiverse Saga further. Another franchise that’s going forward this year is Captain Marvel, with Carol Danvers returning to the big screen this summer. However, The Marvels will focus on Carol joining forces with Monica Rambeau and Ms. Marvel, continuing the arcs that were started in WandaVision and Ms. Marvel respectively.

Reports surfaced online that The Marvels would be getting its first trailer during this year’s Super Bowl. By the end of the night, the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 trailer was the only new MCU teaser. With the Captain Marvel sequel being one of the big Phase 5 installments for 2023, many believed Marvel Studios would promote it during the event, and were disappointed when they didn’t.

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When Will The Marvels Trailer Actually Release

The marvels monica rambeau ms marvel carol danvers

With The Marvels not being present for the 2023 Super Bowl, it begs the question of when Marvel Studios will actually start marketing the Captain Marvel installment. Since Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania is releasing next week, The Marvels will likely wait a couple weeks, at the very least. Since Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is slated for May, Marvel Studios may have a first teaser trailer attached to its release as they head into the summer.

The latest The Marvels may get a teaser trailer is late April so that it can play in front of the final Guardians of the Galaxy movie. An official The Marvels trailer may also be saved for the NBA finals that takes place on June 1. Since the NBA finals air on ABC, owned by Disney, that would give Marvel Studios another venue to promote The Marvels. Between April and July, Marvel Studios will likely also have posters, promotional images, and a lot more rolling out for marketing purposes.

While Marvel Studios obviously has its own set plans, it’s understandable to see The Marvels fans outraged about the lack of footage. At this point, besides a movie logo, nothing has been shown of The Marvels outside of a few set photos. With so much shown already for the Ant-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy sequels, it’s only a matter of time before glimpses of The Marvels are revealed. Hopefully, when Marvel Studios begin to promote The Marvels, the wait will have been more than worth it.

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Source: Various (see links above)

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