Elite conclave mulls next leader – POLITICO

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. DAVOS, Switzerland — It’s the political race everyone is afraid to talk about. For 52 years the World Economic Forum has been synonymous with its founder and executive chair Klaus Schwab, whose humble manner belies what many who know him describe as great ambition … Read more

Unloved at home, Emmanuel Macron wants to get ‘intimate’ with the world – POLITICO

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. PARIS — When French President Emmanuel Macron’s party lost its absolute majority in parliament six months ago, many wondered what the setback would mean for an ambitious, here-to-disrupt-the-status-quo leader whose first term was defined by a top-down style of management. It turns out … Read more